Ki Ageng Selo is control lightning

 As a man who can control lightning, Ki Ageng Selo is renowned for his magic.

Ki Ageng Selo is the final great-grandson or great-great-grandson of Brawijaya, according to the genealogy. He is the progenitor of Sutawijaya, the monarch who established the Mataram kingdom. Including Paku Buwono XIII and Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X (Yogyakarta) (Surakarta).

The final King of Brawijaya is said to have wed the daughter of Wandan Kuning and the son of Bondan Kejawan/Ki Ageng Lembu Peteng, who was chosen as a disciple of Ki Ageng Tarub, according to the Chronicle of Tanah Jawi (Meinama, 1905; Al-thoff, 1941). He wed Dewi Nawangsih, a daughter of Ki Ageng Tarub, the mother of the Bidadari Dewi Nawang Wulan.

Ki Getas Pendowo was a child of Lembu Peteng and Nawangsih's union (his grave is in Kuripan, Purwodadi). Ki Ageng Selo is the oldest of Ki Ageng Getas Pandowo's seven sons.

Ki Ageng enjoys plowing the crops while meditating in the mountains, caves, and forests. The treasures of the world are irrelevant to him. The harvest from the rice fields is given to nearby residents who require them for a comfortable lifestyle. Mas Karebet or Joko Tingkir, who later succeeded the Demak dynasty as Sultan of Pajang Hadiwijaya, was one of his cherished pupils.

The seven sons of Ki Ageng Selo include Kyai Ageng Enis, whose son is Kyai Ageng Pamanahan. Mas Ngabehi was born when Ki Pemanahan wed Kyai Ageng Saba's eldest daughter.

Pajang was superseded by Loring Pasar, also known as Sutawijaya, who founded the Mataram kingdom.

The Sultan of Demak Trenggana was still alive when the lightning-catching story took place. Ki Ageng Sela was cultivating the fields in the late afternoon of Syahdan, around the time of Asr. The day was very cloudy, indicating that it will rain. The rain started falling heavily very quickly.

Flashing lightning appeared. Fearfully, other farmers fled to their residences. However, Ki Ageng Sela was still at ease pushing; he had only been hoeing for a short time when Ki Ageng Selo was struck by lightning.

Lightning struck the hoe Ki Ageng was holding with a loud bang. He was still able to stand unshakeably, his body unharmed, undamaged, and untorn.

Lightning bolts were captured, bound, and placed inside a rock the size of an adult hand. The stone was then given to Kanjeng Sunan of the Demak Palace Administration.

Kanjeng Sunan Demak was continually in awe of Ki Ageng Selo's magic. Additionally, he instructed against giving water to the lightning Ki Ageng Selo had caught.

The Demak administration is hysterical. Thousands of people from all walks of life went to the palace to witness the lightning Ki Ageng Selo had managed to record.

One day a woman entered as an intruder by blending in with the crowd.


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